Monday 26 January 2009

Orla Kiely collection for Target

Found out about this one from a lovely twitter-er today... Orla Kiely is launching a home collection at Target on Feb 1st. As a longtime devotee of Target, I am impressed that Orla Kiely is the latest name in a long string of fantastic designer collaborations they have brought out at great prices. $2.49 for this gorgeous tumbler? Insanely jealous of my Stateside pals, moi?

Start shipping to the UK - purlease!!!

It's all Pollocks...

Jackson Pollock's homepage is very fun - you can create your own masterpiece. Wish they would give you the option to save your artworks though... I'd like to make mine into placemats or maybe just a screensaver to express my jumbled state of mind.

Birdcage lampshade from La Redoute

How fabulous is this lampshade? Designed for kids, but I can see it in my hallway. I'm buying it, even though I don't yet have a single pendant lamp in my house. But hey, I'm renting... some day I will have a hallway. And then, won't it be lovely to walk through the front door and see birdies welcoming me home? Exactly.

Friday 16 January 2009

Knitting is the new hobby for rebels

Apparently, accoring to this article in The Independent yesterday, kniting is new crack. I would have paid more attention to Granny if I thought I could have knitted something even half as cool as this knitted cowl from Knittles available on Etsy.I love this adorable sock puppet from 'sweidebie' on Etsy. Makes me wonder what the appeal of those horrible plastic toys is. I guess I'm not five, but I hope if I ever have to buy for a five year old, they'd apreciate such a classy sock friend.

Thrifty finds for the new year

We're all feeling the pinch, but life (and your home) can still be beautiful. Beautifully illustrated by these gorgeous lights found on the fab designersblock blog

If you want to feel like you're doing your bit by recycling and recovering but you've got money to spare, the recovered furniture by Squint is amazing.

Read more fab ideas for geting crafty and saving those pennies...

Daily lust list...

I found this cool widget that updates with delicious new products every week - I like the surprise element...hmm, what will it be tomorrow?
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